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Thought Distillery - February Installment

February’s Topic - Technology: Friend or Foe

This month we will discuss the pros and cons of technology in the workplace and our personal lives. With each new device or more advanced piece of software we are promised greater and greater freedom to get after those projects that truly motivate us. Yet, more and more people feel that they are falling further behind as opposed to getting ahead. Concepts like leadership through email or digital task and forget are becoming more common place. Access is now 24-7 and yet we are no more productive. Relationships inside organizations boil down to bureaucratic interactions.

Personal leadership is no better. Kids are heads down in kindles or iPads, phones are open and active at the dinner table, Netflix is brought to the bedroom with everyone in the household staring into the digital glow.

On the flip side, collaborative learning and working is now at our fingertips. Knowledge is accessible to almost anyone. The imagination can now create almost whatever it conceives. The limits of human understanding continue to break through each and every obstacle before it.

Where do you fall?

Bring your favorite mug, order your favorite beverage, and share your perspective. Articles, books, podcasts, and personal experiences encouraged for sharing with the group. It is time to distill some knowledge.

Greater perspective welcomes those who are interested to take a BIT (Bottle to Intellectual Throttle) out of one evening and discuss topics of personal, professional and intellectual curiosity. Rank nor position have a place at this table, only human and professional curtesy for ones ideas. Leave ones status at home.