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Thought Distillery - March Installment


As we inch ever closer to Spring, each day brings us ever closer to experiencing that time of rebirth. Plants, animals, and people begin to come out of hibernation, begin to take root in new soil and clean out their living spaces of things and ideas that have developed into clutter over the past year. During this time of renewal we are presented with an opportunity to discuss the impact leadership plays in an organizational life cycle. Just as the seasons change, so do organizations and the leaders who live within them. More important that the leaders are the impacts those individuals have on the present and the more far reaching impacts that are felt years later.

Whether we are talking counseling, performance reports, hiring, firing, or organizational design the question always come up, are the decisions today the best for the organization of tomorrow. Moreover, can both the present and the future maintain a balance? Can a leader be a hard driver and still leave his team ready for the stress and demands of the job in 6 months? If a leader is statistically successful in their previous period of evaluation but 50% of their organizational personal leave the company over the next two years, was that investment in 12 months of success worth the personal capitol that the organization lost?

There are no right answers, all the more reason to sit around and discuss.

Bring your favorite mug, order your favorite beverage, and share your perspective. Articles, books, podcasts, and personal experiences encouraged for sharing with the group. It is time to distill some knowledge.

See you there!