Thinking, Fast and Slow


Nobel laureate, Daniel Kahneman’s 2011 book, Thinking, Fast and Slow is a complex investigation into our personal actions, reactions, instinctual problem solving applications, and so much more. Decades of Dr. Kahneman’s and Dr. Tversky’s research and writing is brought forth in this text with an attempt to explain the why and how we apply two separate sides of our brain to every action and thought. Depending on the framing and complexity of the thoughts and actions may not play as significant a role on what side of the brain will answer first and more importantly, answer definitively.

The book uses a two system explanation of how our minds work. System 1 is described as the part of the brain that thinks fast, with emotion and reacts to instinct. System 2 is the slow portion of the brain. With system 2 we see logic and deliberate thought applied to problem solving. Both systems combined lead to interesting conversations and logic trails all regarding ones own ability for proper judgement.

While not an overnight read, here is one book, which will cause you to think about thinking.