Ark Royal - Books 1 thru 3

Many times reading, especially for professional purposes ,can lead us to the consumption of topics, while worthwhile are often circular. The purpose behind the GATCT site is to generate ideas and discussions beyond traditional boundaries, be they individual, social or professional. It is critical that we do not become an echo chamber where support for ideas are only strengthened through common thoughts and beliefs as opposed to through debate, opposition and failure.

At the beginning of 2019 a friend of mine and myself began a discussion about the future of artificial intelligence. I openly admit that my knowledge on the topics of AI, virtual reality an augmented reality are weak to say the least. So our discussion, from my vantage point was from a position of ignorance or at least extreme lack of full understanding. My discussion ideas were presently being shaped by author Kevin Kelly and his book The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape our Future, a book that will be introduced in the near future. My friends points of discussion appeared to come from a science fiction book series from Christopher G. Nuttall titled Ark Royal. While I am an avid fan of science fiction movies, I have not delved into science fiction books and have been too heavily focused on what I believed were, “books of substance”. My opinion has changed.

Ark Royal and the genera of science fiction provide the reader to explore alternate possibilities while attempting to connect or trace out a path from here to there; be it with technology, societal constructs or governmental hierarchy. Moreover, the idea of fiction, let alone the classification of science fiction can provide that ever needed opportunity for idleness. One can immerse themself into such a story and disconnect from the tethers of daily requirements. Giving in and letting the mind wonder, generating new synapse between thoughts and ideas.

If you have not branched out from your typical reading rut, now is as good a time as any to take that step and see what awaits on the other side.