How 1% Performance Improvements Led to Olympic Gold

Harvard Business Review, first presented Eben Harrell’s article “How 1% Performance Improvements Led to Olympic Gold” on October 30, 2015.

In my exploration of interesting documents and topics to share a running coach I know shared with me the topic of 1% performance improvements. All too often, especially around the new year, we tend to set far reaching and seemingly difficult goals. As goal attainment becomes more and more difficult over time, we become more and more frustrated, leading to possible goal failure or stagnation. Perhaps our goals need to be shorter duration, with shorter expectations and within with results that are attainable. Now, do not forgo the Jim Collins BHAG (Big Harry Audacious Goal) but understand that if you don’t break down that estate into smaller more manageable subsections than the overall finish line may be too far and perceived too complicated. How about setting a 1% gain in a couple different areas. With each marginal mark there is marginal success which builds and retains momentum. While discussed and highlighted initially in the world of cycling, the idea of 1% performance enhancement is something we all could benefit from.  How about 1% less email, 1% more time with family, 1% less time on our digital devices, 1% faster, 1% stronger, 1% more sleep, 1% better nutrition?  Pretty soon that 1% compounds upon itself and the snowball effect takes over. The primary article I read was the HBR piece by Eben Harrell. But, below are a few additional links to articles discussing the subject of marginal gains.  Take a read, see what you think.  Perhaps all you need is a 1% jump on 2019. Tell me what your 1% will be.