The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone

Honesty, a social, moral and professional imperative that almost all of us follow. right? For those of you who agree with that sentiment, this book (The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone) might surprise many of you. Externally, many of us espouse to at least one of the three (social, professional or moral) imperatives that prescribe honesty as not only a virtue but as a rule/requirement rather. Dan Ariely, along with numerous other researchers have collected a sizable amount of data that suggests, we are not as honest as we would leave ourselves to believe. As a behavioral economist, Dan has conducted original experimentation, demonstrating that when given the chance society, both individually and in collective groups fall to dishonest actions. Moreover, this text discusses how learning from ones mistakes might just be too late in the honesty cycle to affect changes in behavior. For those who read Leonard Wong and Stephen Gerras paper “Are We Lying to Ourselves: Dishonesty in the Army Profession”, this book furthers the discussion from a social rather than professional perspective.

Read, Think, Talk, Write - this book covers it all!