Churchill & Orwell: The Fight For Freedom


This book came out of left field. While I know of the author Tom Ricks, I had no incling of this book or the interesting indirect connections that existed between the statesman and the author. This book provides an interesting story when viewed from the lens of today. These men never met and were political opposites and yet their work, while not directly supporting of the other both drove the British Nation forward in a time of crisis. Moreover, each man was nothing other than polite when discussion the other. There were no party lines that isolated or affiliations that prevented the passage of knowledge or understanding.

Here we see two biographies, one from the left and the other from the right and somehow they both were striving for the same goal. I was surprised by the context provided in this short dual biography, Churchill and Orwell. A wonderful summer read as we ever so recently passed the 75th anniversary of D-Day.