Animal Farm


George Orwell’s Animal Farm, a perceived staple of middle school to high school education somehow never crossed my path until recently. A book many recall reading at some point in their adolescence and a title and author who still remains a talking point well into adulthood is worth everyones relook. If you have not at down with this short story in the past decade, I challenge you to crack it open once again. The social and political division that permeates Orwell’s text seems to still carry legitimacy today. The personal desire to throw off the shackles of perceived injustice with little foresight into what shackles may await you on the other side remains a significant quagmire. Change for change sake, leadership with 100% authority, rules that continue to evolve for the betterment of only a few, all topics that we today continue to struggle with. Whether you want to get behind an authors interpretation of talking animals or simply dig into the subtext of equality and social structure, Animal Farm is ready for you.