Leaders: Myth and Reality


Stanley McCrystal, Jeff Eggers and Jason Mangone, put together an interesting reimagination of Plutarch’s historical text Lives. In Leaders: Myth and Reality, the authors explore the lives of thirteen leaders, comparing and contrasting their exact deeds versus how we in society have interpreted those deeds and in some cases have transformed an individuals exact actions into the statue or legend we see and speak about today.

This book will give you pause, enforcing the importance of attaining greater perspective regarding people and events. Today we let soundbites rule the airwaves and thus end up regurgitating those same phrases without thought or digestion. Perhaps it is time to break from the mold, begin to read, think, speak and write for ourselves and in support of our own beliefs.

Such a text will cause one to take stock of their own leadership processes. Something that we all should do as often as possible. Good luck and happy internalization!